物联网(IoT) Technology Application | Altair


In a world of smart, connected everything, Altair empowers you to harness the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to accelerate innovation and unlock business value. Leveraging our dynamic toolset you can deploy edge compute clusters, train and execute machine learning models, implement complex application business logic, perform data transforms, visualize real-time data, and much more. We give you the building blocks for your digital transformation to get moving fast, scale quickly, and continue to improve over time.

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Device Management

Device Management

Out of the box, Altair's device management helps you overcome fundamental hurdles in IoT development, from reliable, secure, two-way device communication to easy, efficient device organization and modeling.Altair的设备管理provides optimized workflows for connecting to thousands of devices, creating a virtual representations of those devices, and then organizing them into logical groups. Spend less time on busy work – instead, accelerate your provisioning process so you can focus on providing the best possible experience to your customers.

Edge Orchestration

Edge Orchestration

Edge application orchestration can be a complex, nuanced problem – edge compute loads encounter complications ranging from uncommunicative devices, to specialized target hardware requiring specific builds, to mission critical applications running out of hardware resources.Edge orchestration provides a powerful platformfor managing these nuances so that you can build automation and execute logic close to devices, without making the round trip to the cloud. For you, that means reduced latency, saving on data transfer costs, and new, powerful intelligence where you need it most.

Data Storage

Data Storage

Devices create a lot of data – ten thousand devices reporting just a few times a minute can create terabytes of data every month.Altair的数据存储解决方案gives you a set of tools for efficiently, appropriately, and securely managing data from your devices so that you can extract the right insights and action from them. Store transformed data to be accessed in real-time, store raw data for long-term reference, and use our analytics service to query them intuitively so you can unearth trends or train machine learning models. Altair’s data storage solutions make sure you can get the right amount of information at the right time.


Develop Smart Product Applications

See how to use Altair® SmartWorks™ IoT to create an application that connects to smart electric motor bikes to deliver an enhanced ownership experience.


stream processing


Raw data from machines can be surprisingly unhelpful. Sometimes inscrutable, rarely where they need to be, and data from one network are almost never formatted the same as another. Additionally, and maybe worst of all, data doesn’t offer any conclusions about their own meaning. Altair’sstream processing solutionshelp you solve these problems using a drag-and-drop interface and as little code as you want. With stream processing, you can transform and join data streams, add calculated columns, execute machine learning models, send alerts, convert values, and connect to dozens of different sources or destinations all on live, streaming data. In order to derive value from your asset data, you will almost certainly need to do some data massaging – Altair’s stream processing solutions can help you do it easily and scalably.

Data Prep and Machine Learning

Data Prep and Machine Learning

Altair'sdata prepandmachine learningtools enable you to extract actionable information from your real-time and historical data sources in a code-free, secure environment. Our extensible platform supports automated data discovery, data transformation, machine learning, and visualization. Use these tools to optimize operations and develop accurate prescriptive responses to all the contingencies that can arise in your business. Make accurate predictions about component life, replacement requirements, energy use, maintenance, utilization, and other factors that directly impact quality, sales, customer acceptance, and efficiency. Never has it been easier to streamline operations or improve product performance.

Realtime Dashboards

Real-time Dashboards

真正的实时可视化是难以通过的。许多仪表板工具索赔实时功能,但它们在测试时失败:只有一个组件将是实时的,或每分钟更新,或者查询可以按需运行但未自动更新。Altair的实时仪表板是不同的。我们提供落后于第二次,自动更新完整的图表,具有异常检测和用户反馈功能。我们建立了这一提议,真正的实时和嵌入到地上,这意味着您可以看到您想要的数据,您想要的位置,并且足够快地行动。Altair是real-time dashboardsare the most powerful, easiest way to put IoT data exactly where it's needed.

Embedded Development Environment

Embedded Development Environment

Embedded development for IoT has many unique considerations. Peripheral programming, distinctive communication protocols, battery life awareness, over-the-air (OTA) updates, and tough security are all frequent requirements in IoT embedded development.Altair® Embed®addresses each of these concerns – it enables you to build and validate reliable embedded systems via simulation or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL). Embed has built-in support for easy cloud or device communication, battery state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) tracking, battery charge optimization, secure OTA firmware updates, and encrypted data transmission. It helps you iterate your code fast, improve system efficiency, and reduce the embedded system attack surface. With Embed, you can be confident your embedded system is production-ready.

Featured Resources

Altair SmartWorks IoT: Overview

Altair® SmartWorks™ IoT gives you everything you need to quickly build scalable, secure web, mobile, and edge applications and then iterate fast to find product-market fit.今天尝试SmartWorks IoT,for free - click here to start trial.

Product Overview Videos




用Altair SmartWorks IoT重新定义连接的建筑物

切换IQ组合了Web应用程序,移动应用程序,硬件,分析和边缘计算,以创建一个智能建筑数据和设备管理系统。这种智能照明制造商希望开发一个新的,连接的照明和建筑管理解决方案,以帮助客户节省资金,提高舒适度,并遵守新的规定。它们使用Altair®Martworks™IoT构建完整的前端,后端和边缘计算架构。通过此目的,切换的客户现在可以管理用户,板载设备,管理网关产品中的计算工作负载,开发楼宇自动化,并优化能源使用情况。今天尝试SmartWorks IoT,for free - click here to start trial.

Customer Stories

Build Industry-Shaking Smart Product Ecosystems with Less Risk

Experience how Altair® SmartWorks™ IoT gives you everything you need to quickly build scalable, secure web, mobile, and edge applications and then iterate fast to find product-market fit. This presentation, by Pérez Bello, Altair's Product Manager for SmartWorks IoT originally aired at Future.AI in June 2021, and is a little over 11 minutes long.今天尝试SmartWorks IoT,for free - click here to start trial.

Future.AI 2021

Cylc & Altair’s PBS Professional™ Power Weather Modeling at Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology

Headed to Supercomputing 2019? Register tojoin the Cylc user group以Altair天气解决方案为特色!包括午餐。

天气模型是一项挑战。它需要高性能计算(HPCbob官网 bob体育下载)资源和功能强大的软件,可以协调最复杂的循环工作负载。

Predicting Australia’s Climate and Weather

The Bureau of Meteorology is Australia’s national climate, water, and weather agency, one of the most fundamental and widely used services of the Australian government. The Bureau provides the entire continent with expertise about its “often-harsh natural environment, things like drought, floods, storms, and tropical cyclones,” says Alan Riley, project manager at the Bureau. “All these things need expertise provided to the Australian public, and that’s done through regular forecasts, warnings, monitoring, and advice that spans not only Australia, but the Antarctic Territory as well.”

The Bureau runs its numerical weather prediction (NWP) suite on its petascale Cray supercomputer. It’s using an aging SMS workflow scheduler. The Bureau needs a modern, scalable service to support the growing NWP modelling and post-processing output.


Cylc(发音为“丝绸”)是一个用于处理一系列工作流复杂性的循环系统的开源Python工作流引擎。[看骑自行车系统的工作流程自动化,科学和工程计算,第21卷,第4期,7月/ 8月2019]. It automatically executes tasks according to detailed schedules and dependencies, and it’s especially useful in areas such as weather and climate modeling, NWP, physics simulation, and data processing. Cylc has become a popular choice at major weather and climate centers around the world — and now it’s a key tool at the Bureau of Meteorology.

With Cylc, tasks can be run as soon as dependencies are met, with maximum concurrency for more efficient use of HPC resources. Cylc was originally developed for operational environmental forecasting atNIWA, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand, and now it’s an open-source collaboration between NIWA, the遇见办公室(UK), the Center of Excellence for Weather and Climate Simulation in Europe (ESiWACE), the Bureau of Meteorology, and other contributors.

“骑自行车与实时调度不一样,”Niwa的Hilary Oliver,Sourcoply of Cylc。“如果系统捕获到时钟,则当运行时钟和实时调度时,Quanc可以在调度时无缝过渡。”

Bureau of Meteorology program director Tim Pugh told us that one reason his organization chose Cylc is for its effective use in research and operations. “The selection of Cylc as the workflow scheduler for our operations was very simple,” he said. “We’re using it in research. By using it in production it meant a very simple transition of our HPC applications and numerical prediction from research into operations.”

Cylc and Altair PBS Professional™

Converting complex, critical systems to a new open-source workflow engine can be a daunting prospect — so Altair, with NIWA and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, developed a production environment for monitoring the performance of many Cylc workflows along with the PBS Professional workload manager.

PBS Professionalis Altair’s industry-leading workload manager and job scheduler for HPC and cloud environments, part of theAltair PBS Works™suite. It allows HPC users to simplify HPC infrastructure management and optimize system utilization, improving application performance and maximizing ROI on hardware and software investments.


Why the Bureau of Meteorology Chose Altair

由于其对HPC系统的了解以及我们需要与产品融合的需要,“Altair被选为协助该局,”Tim Pugh说。“PBS Professional在我们的HPC系统提供工作资源管理和调度。这对系统至关重要,这样如果该服务要下跌,那么我们认为整个系统中断。Altair明白了这一点。“他说,合作伙伴关系,“让我们每天都在局预测中心所需的每一天实现结果。”

David Block, project manager at Altair, added, “Altair has a long history of listening to our customers and producing robust solutions on time and on target. Altair is collaborating with the Bureau to build a general-purpose solution to assist weather and climate staff with monitoring their environment, and then providing the diagnostics necessary to pinpoint any issue.”

Currently, staff members at many sites are required to constantly monitor the environment. The new solution will alert them via a push mechanism. It will also allow them to monitor the supercomputer hardware, Cylc suites, and PBS Professional jobs, and report status clearly and concisely. The solution is being designed to be modular and general-purpose so any site can deploy it out of the box, or substitute components they’re more familiar with. Altair is building several components as well as making contributions to Cylc.

“Due to the use of open-source software,” said Block, “sites around the world can implement the solution and work with the communities to make improvements. Altair is also available to support any site that installs the solution.”

Continuing to Improve Cylc

在南国Cylc + PBS专业集成ia’s Bureau of Meteorology will unify a large production system with many workflows using PBS Professional and the open-source Kafka message broker. “Altair brings significant commercial expertise to the open-source project,” said NIWA’s Dr. Oliver, “and they’re supporting Cylc development to modernize the graphic user interface and improve security.”

The Bureau’s Alan Riley added, “Simply moving to Cylc solves a lot of problems we’ve spoken about, but the project is also moving on. It’s doing some extra things to improve the system even more.” Areas in which the collaboration continues to evolve include:

  • 安全功能
  • Cross-scheduler triggering via Apache Kafka
  • Communication between SMS and Cylc suites and vice versa
  • Enhanced reporting
  • BI tool support for dashboarding and performance analysis
  • Integration with the Bureau’s enterprise monitoring tool

包括一个额外的即将Cylc改进ll-new web-based control panel with tools that give support teams more control and better monitoring capabilities. Cylc version 8 will be a major rearchitecting of Cylc for modern web technologies. Altair will continue to be active in the Cylc community.

学习更多关于CylcandPBS Professional.