

In a world of smart, connected everything, Altair empowers you to harness the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to accelerate innovation and unlock business value. Leveraging our dynamic toolset you can deploy edge compute clusters, train and execute machine learning models, implement complex application business logic, perform data transforms, visualize real-time data, and much more. We give you the building blocks for your digital transformation to get moving fast, scale quickly, and continue to improve over time.




开箱即用,Altair的设备管理有助于您从可靠,安全,双向设备通信中克服IoT开发中的基本障碍,以便简单,高效的设备组织和建模。Altair是device management提供用于连接数千台设备的优化工作流程,从而创建这些设备的虚拟表示,然后将它们组织成逻辑组。在繁忙的工作中花费更少的时间 - 相反,加速您的配置过程,以便您专注于为您的客户提供最佳体验。

Edge Orchestration.

Edge Orchestration.

边缘应用程序编排可以是一个复杂的细节问题 - 边缘计算负载遇到从非幂化设备的功能,对需要特定构建的专业目标硬件,以使任务关键应用程序耗尽硬件资源。bob电竞官方Edge orchestration provides a powerful platform管理这些细微差别,以便您可以构建自动化并执行靠近设备的逻辑,而不会使往返云。对于您而言,这意味着减少延迟,节省数据传输成本,以及最强大的强大智能,您最需要它。



Devices create a lot of data – ten thousand devices reporting just a few times a minute can create terabytes of data every month.牵牛星’s data storage solutions为您提供一组有效,适当,安全地管理设备的工具,以便您可以从它们中提取正确的洞察力和操作。存储变换数据以实时访问,存储原始数据以进行长期参考,并使用我们的分析服务直观地查询它们,以便无法解除趋势或火车机床学习模型。Altair的数据存储解决方案确保您可以在合适的时间获得适量的信息。


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Stream Processing

Raw data from machines can be surprisingly unhelpful. Sometimes inscrutable, rarely where they need to be, and data from one network are almost never formatted the same as another. Additionally, and maybe worst of all, data doesn’t offer any conclusions about their own meaning. Altair’s流处理解决方案请帮助您使用拖放接口和您想要的少量代码来解决这些问题。通过流处理,您可以转换和加入数据流,添加计算列,执行机器学习模型,发送警报,转换值,并连接到几十个不同的源或目的地所有在实时流动数据上。为了从资产数据中获得价值,您几乎需要执行一些数据按摩 - Altair的流处理解决方案可以帮助您轻松且可伸缩。




Realtime Dashboards


Truly real-time visualization is hard to come by. Many dashboard tools claim real-time capabilities, but they fail when put to the test: only one component will be real-time, or updates every minute, or the queries can be run on-demand but not automatically updated. Altair’s real-time dashboards are different. We offer down-to-the-second, automatically updating charts complete with with anomaly detection and user feedback functions. We built this offering to be truly real-time and embeddable from the ground up, which means you can see the data how you want, where you want, and fast enough to act quickly. Altair’sreal-time dashboardsare the most powerful, easiest way to put IoT data exactly where it's needed.



IOT的嵌入式开发有许多唯一的考虑因素。外围编程,独特的通信协议,电池寿命意识,超空气(OTA)更新以及艰难的安全性都是IOT嵌入式开发的常见要求。Altair®Embed®.解决了这些问题——它使你的每一个to build and validate reliable embedded systems via simulation or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL). Embed has built-in support for easy cloud or device communication, battery state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) tracking, battery charge optimization, secure OTA firmware updates, and encrypted data transmission. It helps you iterate your code fast, improve system efficiency, and reduce the embedded system attack surface. With Embed, you can be confident your embedded system is production-ready.


Altair SmartWorks IoT:概述

Altair®MardWorks™IOT为您提供了快速构建可扩展,安全的Web,移动和边缘应用程序的一切,然后快速迭代以查找产品市场合适。bob电竞官方Try SmartWorks IoT today,免费 - 点击这里开始试用


Guide to Smart Product Development



Redefining Connected Buildings with Altair SmartWorks IoT

Toggled iQ combines web application, mobile application, hardware, analytics, and edge computing to create a one-of-a-kind smart building data and device management system. This smart-lighting manufacturer wanted to develop a new, connected lighting and building management solution to help their customers save money, improve comfort, and comply with new regulations. They used Altair® SmartWorks™ IoT to build a complete front end, back end, and edge compute architecture. With this, Toggled’s customers can now manage users, onboard devices, manage compute workloads in their gateway product, develop building automation, and optimize energy usage.Try SmartWorks IoT today,免费 - 点击这里开始试用



体验Altair®MartWorks™IOT如何为您提供快速构建可扩展,安全的Web,移动和边缘应用程序的一切,然后快速迭代以查找产品市场的适合。bob电竞官方本演示文稿由PérezBello,Altair的SmartWorks IoT产品经理最初在未来播出。2021年6月,长约11分钟。Try SmartWorks IoT today,免费 - 点击这里开始试用

Pufful.ai 2021.
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Why It’s Time for EVs to Slim Down


最近的EV体重困境自然article, “Make electric vehicles lighter to maximize climate and safety benefits。“自1990年以来,汽车,运动型多用途车(SUV)和拾取卡车的质量增加,消费者对拾取卡车和SUV的需求处于历史新高。这些笨蛋型号充满了激增的重量问题。EV取代具有庞大电池的可燃,能量密集的石油发动机,并且在影响方案期间支持其需要的附加结构;例如,福特的新电动F-150闪电拾取比其气动前身更重700千克。


Buy why worry about extra mass at all? The answer lies in the relationship between vehicle weight and safety. According to anOxford study,乘客被杀的可能性在一个collision with another vehicle increases 12% for every 500-kg difference between vehicles. Weight disparities between EVs and combustion-engine models could increase the chances of death in collisions.

Secondly, despite the fact that EVs eliminate carbon emissions, heavier vehicle weight still has a significant environmental impact. Heavier vehicles wear tires quicker and therefore require more materials and energy to build and propel them, which generates pollution elsewhere.

As if OEMs didn’t need another reason to prioritize lightweighting,governments are beginning to impose new taxes on heavy cars减少排放。2020年,法国的环保部长宣布,任何重量超过1,800公斤的汽车都会以每增加额外的公斤征税。





For vehicle frames and battery support structures, technologies liketopology optimization帮助工程师开发具有最小质量和最大刚度的结构,同时考虑预期负载,可用的设计空间,材料和成本等设计参数。仿真驱动的设计也让公司探索替代材料类似于车辆组件的层压复合材料。工程师可以在物理原型设计阶段进入详细的材料属性并对车辆级性能的影响良好。

要查看内部和电子推进系统的汽车体重中的当前先驱,看起来不比2021 Altair Enlighten奖是一系列奖项,庆祝轻质和可持续性的进步。

In the Sustainable Product – Vehicle category, the battery-electric Ford Mustang Mach-E was given top honor for using 10 plant-based sustainable materials in production. The Mach-E features a soyfoam headliner, kenaf door bolsters, Miko synthetic suede, and coffee-chaff head and taillights that are 20% lighter and require 25% less energy to produce.

American Axle & Manufacturing won the Future of Lightweighting category with its electric drive unit (eDU) that’s 25% lighter than similar units on the market. Integrating the electric machine, gearbox, and inverter in a compact package, and eliminating the high voltage cables, the eDU also has a higher power-to-weight ratio than competitor products. Though the technology hasn’t yet been employed in commercial production platform, AAM’s eDU promises significant cost and mass savings in hybrid and battery-electric light- and medium-duty vehicles.

Altair Enlightenen奖 - 轻质冠军的未来:AAM的电动驱动单元比市场上类似单位的25%
牵牛星Enlighten Award – Future of Lightweighting winner: AAM’s electric drive unit is 25% lighter than similar units on the market

Research continues on battery technology to reduce weight per kilowatt-hour, yet vehicle manufacturers continue to find new and innovative lightweighting strategies. Though many challenges remain in the quest to reduce electric vehicle weight, simulation-driven design augmented by artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) give engineers greater insight than ever. These technologies let designers create and assess innovative next generation architectures by using simulation to inform vehicle architecture, manufacturing processes, material selection, and platform strategies. If you’re interested in accelerating your e-mobility development and implementing simulation-driven lightweighting strategies, visit//www.s-emart.com/e-mobility/