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开箱即用,Altair的设备管理可帮助您克服物联网开发中的基本障碍,从可靠,安全,双向设备通信到简单,高效的设备组织和建模。Altair的设备管理provides optimized workflows for connecting to thousands of devices, creating a virtual representations of those devices, and then organizing them into logical groups. Spend less time on busy work – instead, accelerate your provisioning process so you can focus on providing the best possible experience to your customers.

Edge Orchestration

Edge Orchestration

边缘应用程序编排可能是一个复杂,细微的问题 - 边缘计算负载遇到的并发症,从不通信的设备到需要特定构建的专门目标硬件,再到任务关键应用程序的专业目标硬件。bob电竞官方边缘编排提供功能强大的平台for managing these nuances so that you can build automation and execute logic close to devices, without making the round trip to the cloud. For you, that means reduced latency, saving on data transfer costs, and new, powerful intelligence where you need it most.

Data Storage

Data Storage

设备创建大量数据 - 一万个设备每分钟仅几次报告,每月可以创建大量数据。Altair的数据存储解决方案gives you a set of tools for efficiently, appropriately, and securely managing data from your devices so that you can extract the right insights and action from them. Store transformed data to be accessed in real-time, store raw data for long-term reference, and use our analytics service to query them intuitively so you can unearth trends or train machine learning models. Altair’s data storage solutions make sure you can get the right amount of information at the right time.



See how to use Altair® SmartWorks™ IoT to create an application that connects to smart electric motor bikes to deliver an enhanced ownership experience.

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stream processing


来自机器的原始数据可能是无益的。有时是难以理解的,很少有需要的地方,一个网络的数据几乎从不格式化与另一个网络的格式相同。此外,也许最糟糕的是,数据并没有提供有关其自身含义的任何结论。Altair的流处理解决方案帮助您使用拖放接口和最少的代码来帮助您解决这些问题。使用流处理,您可以转换和加入数据流,添加计算的列,执行机器学习模型,发送警报,转换值并连接到数十个不同的来源或目的地,这些源或目的地全部在现场,流数据上。为了从您的资产数据中得出价值,您几乎肯定需要进行一些数据按摩 - Altair的流处理解决方案可以帮助您轻松,可扩展地做到这一点。



Altair的data prepmachine learningtools enable you to extract actionable information from your real-time and historical data sources in a code-free, secure environment. Our extensible platform supports automated data discovery, data transformation, machine learning, and visualization. Use these tools to optimize operations and develop accurate prescriptive responses to all the contingencies that can arise in your business. Make accurate predictions about component life, replacement requirements, energy use, maintenance, utilization, and other factors that directly impact quality, sales, customer acceptance, and efficiency. Never has it been easier to streamline operations or improve product performance.



Truly real-time visualization is hard to come by. Many dashboard tools claim real-time capabilities, but they fail when put to the test: only one component will be real-time, or updates every minute, or the queries can be run on-demand but not automatically updated. Altair’s real-time dashboards are different. We offer down-to-the-second, automatically updating charts complete with with anomaly detection and user feedback functions. We built this offering to be truly real-time and embeddable from the ground up, which means you can see the data how you want, where you want, and fast enough to act quickly. Altair’s实时仪表板是将物联网数据准确地放在需要的位置的最强大,最简单的方法。



Embedded development for IoT has many unique considerations. Peripheral programming, distinctive communication protocols, battery life awareness, over-the-air (OTA) updates, and tough security are all frequent requirements in IoT embedded development.Altair® Embed®解决这些问题中的每一个 - 它使您能够通过仿真或硬件(HIL)构建和验证可靠的嵌入式系统。Embed具有内置的支持,可用于易于云或设备通信,电池最先进(SOC)和健康状况(SOH)跟踪,电池充电优化,安全的OTA固件更新以及加密数据传输。它可以帮助您快速迭代代码,提高系统效率并降低嵌入式系统攻击表面。使用Embed,您可以确信您的嵌入式系统已准备就绪。


Altair SmartWorks IoT:概述

Altair® SmartWorks™ IoT gives you everything you need to quickly build scalable, secure web, mobile, and edge applications and then iterate fast to find product-market fit.Try SmartWorks IoT today,for free - click here to start trial.


Guide to Smart Product Development

The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the way companies do business. New product lines, recurring revenue streams, more efficient operations, higher quality and faster time-to-market are all within reach with the introduction of smart interconnections between systems and assets.


Redefining Connected Buildings with Altair SmartWorks IoT

Toggged IQ结合了Web应用程序,移动应用程序,硬件,分析和边缘计算,以创建一个独一无二的智能构建数据和设备管理系统。这家智能的制造商希望开发一种新的,连接的照明和建筑管理解决方案,以帮助他们的客户节省金钱,提高舒适度并遵守新法规。他们使用Altair®SmartWorks™IoT来构建完整的前端,后端和边缘计算体系结构。有了这一点,Toggled的客户现在可以管理用户,机上设备,管理其网关产品中的计算工作负载,开发建筑自动化并优化能源使用情况。Try SmartWorks IoT today,for free - click here to start trial.

Customer Stories, Customer Testimonials


Experience how Altair® SmartWorks™ IoT gives you everything you need to quickly build scalable, secure web, mobile, and edge applications and then iterate fast to find product-market fit. This presentation, by Pérez Bello, Altair's Product Manager for SmartWorks IoT originally aired at Future.AI in June 2021, and is a little over 11 minutes long.Try SmartWorks IoT today,for free - click here to start trial.

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