Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT)

In a world of smart, connected everything, Altair empowers you to harness the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to accelerate innovation and unlock business value. Leveraging our dynamic toolset you can deploy edge compute clusters, train and execute machine learning models, implement complex application business logic, perform data transforms, visualize real-time data, and much more. We give you the building blocks for your digital transformation to get moving fast, scale quickly, and continue to improve over time.


Device Management

Device Management

Out of the box, Altair's device management helps you overcome fundamental hurdles in IoT development, from reliable, secure, two-way device communication to easy, efficient device organization and modeling.牵牛星's device management提供优化的工作流程,用于连接数千个设备,创建这些设备的虚拟表示,然后将它们组织成逻辑组。花更少的时间在忙碌的工作上 - 相反,加速您的供应过程,因此您可以专注于为客户提供最佳体验。



Edge application orchestration can be a complex, nuanced problem – edge compute loads encounter complications ranging from uncommunicative devices, to specialized target hardware requiring specific builds, to mission critical applications running out of hardware resources.Edge orchestration provides a powerful platform为了管理这些细微差别,您可以构建自动化并执行逻辑靠近设备,而无需往返云。对您来说,这意味着减少延迟,节省数据传输成本以及最需要的新的,有力的智能。



Devices create a lot of data – ten thousand devices reporting just a few times a minute can create terabytes of data every month.Altair的data storage solutions为您提供一组工具,以有效,适当和安全地从设备中管理数据,以便您可以从中提取正确的见解和操作。商店转换的数据将用于实时访问,存储原始数据以进行长期参考,并使用我们的分析服务直观地查询它们,以便您可以发掘趋势或训练机器学习模型。Altair的数据存储解决方案确保您可以在正确的时间获取适当的信息。






Stream Processing

来自机器的原始数据可能是无益的。有时是难以理解的,很少有需要的地方,一个网络的数据几乎从不格式化与另一个网络的格式相同。此外,也许最糟糕的是,数据并没有提供有关其自身含义的任何结论。Altair的流处理solutionshelp you solve these problems using a drag-and-drop interface and as little code as you want. With stream processing, you can transform and join data streams, add calculated columns, execute machine learning models, send alerts, convert values, and connect to dozens of different sources or destinations all on live, streaming data. In order to derive value from your asset data, you will almost certainly need to do some data massaging – Altair’s stream processing solutions can help you do it easily and scalably.

Data Prep and Machine Learning

Data Prep and Machine Learning

牵牛星's数据准备andmachine learning工具使您可以在无代码,安全的环境中从实时和历史数据源中提取可行的信息。我们的可扩展平台支持自动数据发现,数据转换,机器学习和可视化。使用这些工具来优化操作并对您业务中可能出现的所有意外事件产生准确的规定响应。对组件寿命,替代要求,能源使用,维护,利用以及其他因素直接影响质量,销售,客户接受和效率的其他因素进行准确的预测。简化操作或改善产品性能从来没有更容易。

Realtime Dashboards

Real-time Dashboards

真正的实时可视化很难实现。许多仪表板工具声称实时功能,但是在进行测试时会失败:只有一个组件是实时的,或者每分钟更新,或者可以按需运行查询,但不能自动更新。Altair的实时仪表板不同。我们提供随着异常检测和用户反馈功能而自动更新图表。我们构建了此产品,可以真正实时并从头开始嵌入,这意味着您可以看到数据,所需的位置以及足够快的速度以迅速采取行动。Altair的real-time dashboardsare the most powerful, easiest way to put IoT data exactly where it's needed.

Embedded Development Environment

Embedded Development Environment

嵌入式开发物联网有许多独特的考虑derations. Peripheral programming, distinctive communication protocols, battery life awareness, over-the-air (OTA) updates, and tough security are all frequent requirements in IoT embedded development.Altair®Embed®addresses each of these concerns – it enables you to build and validate reliable embedded systems via simulation or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL). Embed has built-in support for easy cloud or device communication, battery state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) tracking, battery charge optimization, secure OTA firmware updates, and encrypted data transmission. It helps you iterate your code fast, improve system efficiency, and reduce the embedded system attack surface. With Embed, you can be confident your embedded system is production-ready.

Featured Resources

牵牛星SmartWorks IoT: Overview

Altair®SmartWorks™IoT为您提供了快速构建可扩展,安全的Web,移动和边缘应用程序所需的一切,然后快速迭代以找到产品市场合适。bob电竞官方今天尝试智能工艺物联网,免费 - 单击此处开始审判





用Altair Smartworks IoT重新定义连接的建筑物

Toggled iQ combines web application, mobile application, hardware, analytics, and edge computing to create a one-of-a-kind smart building data and device management system. This smart-lighting manufacturer wanted to develop a new, connected lighting and building management solution to help their customers save money, improve comfort, and comply with new regulations. They used Altair® SmartWorks™ IoT to build a complete front end, back end, and edge compute architecture. With this, Toggled’s customers can now manage users, onboard devices, manage compute workloads in their gateway product, develop building automation, and optimize energy usage.今天尝试智能工艺物联网,免费 - 单击此处开始审判


Build Industry-Shaking Smart Product Ecosystems with Less Risk

体验Altair®SmartWorks™IoT如何为您提供快速构建可扩展,安全的网络,移动和边缘应用程序所需的一切,然后快速迭代以找到产品市场合适。bob电竞官方该演讲由Altair的SmartWorks IoT产品经理PérezBello最初于2021年6月在Future.AI播出,长达11分钟以上。今天尝试智能工艺物联网,免费 - 单击此处开始审判

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